S5-P01: Grazing and Rangeland Mapping

Categories: Land Use, Crop Monitoring

Rangelands management is an important component of the local economies sustainable livestock farming depends on it. However, the changes in land-use activities impacts on the availability of the grazing and browsing resources. Characterisation of these grazing and browsing resources is significant for policy- and decision-making and proper management of rangelands to ensure their sustainability amid changing climate and anthropogenic pressures. The Grazing and Rangeland Mapping products provide spatially-explicit information on the distribution and characteristics of rangelands overtime.

S5-P01: Grazing and Rangeland Mapping : List of Layers

  • Rangeland Mask, 1x1 km, Africa
  • Rangeland Mask, 30x30 m, Ethiopia
  • Rangeland Mask, 30x30 m, Mozambique
  • Rangeland Mask, 30x30 m, South Africa
  • Rangeland Mask, 30x30 m, Niger
  • Rangeland Mask, 30x30 m, Tunisia
  • Rangeland Mask, 30x30 m, Ghana
  • Rangeland Mask, 30x30 m, Kenya