In Tunisia, wheat is one of the most important staple foods, occupying more than 50% of the area dedicated to rainfed cereals. With an average production covering about 70% of domestic demand, wheat production deficit hiners Tunisia’s trade balance as the shortfall has to be filled by annually importing variable quantities (up to 50% of the national demand) to bridge the gap between annual production and annual consumption.

User Stories
User Story
As a high-level decision-maker at the Ministry of Agriculture or one of its main decentralised institutions namely the Regional Agricultural Development Commissions (CRDAs) which are involved in the agricultural yields and production estimating chain in each of the 24 governorates of the country, the user could get information on wheat crops acreage, including their related yields estimate for a specific administrative entity (country, governorate, district or municipality) and for a requested time slot.
The decision-maker could get figures and charts, which he/she can intuitively interpret, compare to the previous years, through interactive dashboards.
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