A use case can be applied in a predefined pilot farm zone area, with specific farmers within a homogeneous agro-climatic zone. The specific farmers form part of the pilot project during the planting season. The use cases are aimed at providing and testing effective crop monitoring services for different end-users ie. agricultural officers and farmers. The crop monitoring services will entail close monitoring of the crop extent, status, condition and health as well as providing key information such as weather advisories. The short-term application is aimed at developing and cementing an effective method to providing crop condition mapping and monitoring for a possible upscaling or usage in different platforms. Part of the design of methodology will be to develop a communication framework with the system product consumers (agriculture officers and farmers) that will enhance implementation of the advisories for a successful assessment of impacts of the services given.

Story 1
The system should be able to show various vegetation indices that monitors the health, condition and status of the crops in the field. The analyzed and generated products should yield a statistical output summarizing the various attribute of the outputs. The user should be in a position to receive a simplified information, which can be consumed easily, highlighting information on extent, status and crop health.
Relevant AfriCultuReS Products:
Crop Condition Monitoring - (AfriCRS-S2-P02)
Crop Early Warning - (AfriCRS-S2-P06)
Seasonal Drought Forecast - (AfriCRS-S3-P01)
Drought Monitoring and Early Warning - (AfriCRS-S3-P02)
Crop Calendar Assessment and Monitoring (Dashboard) - (AfriCRS-S2-P04)