Ethiopia is highly vulnerable to a wide range of climatic related hazard. Climate change is threatening the fragile nexus by making rainfall more erratic and increasing the frequency and intensity of environmental shocks such as extreme weather (Hoscilo et al. 2015), leading to crop failure. Drought has always been frequent in Ethiopia and it affects almost all agricultural products (Asnake 2007). Consequently, it may lead to famine, resettlement and migration. These pressures are exacerbated by population pressure and land use change leading to land degradation, soil erosion and damages to vital ecosystem services. In addition, method for mapping of major crops grown in Ethiopia is lacking. Moreover, information on local crop performance and crop yield status for dissemination to local communities, governments, and stakeholders is required to take actionable measures. Responding to these challenges, Ethiopia requires models considering its environmental setting including the biophysical and socio-economic characteristics to use timely and relevant information on crop mapping and crop yield estimation for more resilient food systems. In close partnership, AfricCultRes delivers this capacity through a co-developed method, capability and capacity building programme to understand the nexus and lay the foundations for a resilient future.

Story 2. Central statistical agency
This agency is responsible to monitor crop yield and predicate the expected crop yields during a given crop growing season. Therefore, the agency will the above data for cross validation.
Required AfriCRS Products:
Crop Condition Monitoring - (AfriCRS-S2-P02)
Crop Type Mapping - (AfriCRS-S2-P01)
Crop Yield Forecast - (AfriCRS-S2-P03)
Story 1. The Ministry of Agriculture and the National Disaster Risk Management Commission
The ministry requires information on the amount of cultivated land, the area covered by major crops, the crop condition and the expected crop yields to provide information to the National Disaster Risk Management Commission and the higher officials.
The Commission requires crop condition and crop yield information to make decision on the amount of major crops yield required to feed the population.
Relevant AfriCultuReS Products:
Crop Condition Monitoring (AfriCRS-S2-P02)
Crop Phenology Assessment (AfriCRS-S2-P05)
Crop Early Warning (AfriCRS-S2-P06)
Seasonal Drought Forecast (AfriCRS-S3-P01)
Drought Monitoring and Early Warning (AfriCRS-S3-P02)
Land Use & Land Use Change Monitoring (AfriCRS-S4-P01)
Crop Yield Forecast (AfriCRS-S2-P02)
Crop Type Mapping (AfriCRS-S2-P01)
Story 3. Farmers
They require reliable and timely spatial information on crop’s health condition and expected crop yields.
The user will be able to get such information from district level agriculture offices.
Required AfriCRS Products:
Crop Condition Monitoring - (AfriCRS-S2-P02)
Crop Type Mapping - (AfriCRS-S2-P01)
Crop Yield Forecast - (AfriCRS-S2-P03)