Crop Monitoring and Yield Forecasting - Mozambique

Categories: Crop Monitoring

Crop production in Mozambique is conducted across a wide range of environmental, soil and climate conditions, therefore, presenting different biophysical and agro-climatic challenges. In order to counteract these challenges, many farmers across the country practice intercropping as a means to reduce crop failure, improve soil health, food security and income. However, most crop models used to estimate crop yields were developed for monocrops rather than intercrops. Thus, the use of EO technology combined with crop models may represent a challenge in certain regions of the country where intercropping is the most prevalent farming practice. Other challenges that can be faced during the use of crop monitoring and yield forecasting include fragmented land, crop zoning based crop production that is not followed and the need of training.

Story 1

As an extension officer in Mozambique, I want to monitor crops and advise farmers when to fertilize, apply pesticides, harvest and estimate crop yields, so that I won´t need to conduct agricultural ground survey every year/ I can help produce evidence-based decision making on food security.

Required AfriCRS Products:

AfriCRS-S2-P02 - Crop Condition Monitoring

AfriCRS-S2-P01 - Crop Type Mapping

AfriCRS-S2-P03 - Crop Yield Forecast

Story 2

As a researcher, I want to view vegetation indices so that I can use them to derive measures that correlate with surface biophysical properties, which facilitates the analysis of large amounts of satellite data, providing valuable spatial and temporal analyses at large scale provincial, district, locality and community level.

Required AfriCRS Products:

AfriCRS-S2-P02 - Crop Condition Monitoring

Story 3

As a food security expert, I want to view crop production information so that I can monitor food production trends at district, provincial or national scale.

Story 4

As a Meteorologist, I want to provide daily, seasonal weather/historical and forecast - precipitation and temperature - in the country, so that I can use that information to calculate accumulated precipitation and sum of active temperature.

As a Meteorologist, I want to provide seasonal weather forecast including precipitation and temperature for the country, so that I can use that information to predict extreme weather events.

Required AfriCRS Products:

AfriCRS-S7-P01 - Weather Forecast

AfriCRS-S1-P02 - Seasonal Climate Forecast and Early Warning

AfriCRS-S7-P02 - Weather Extremes Early Warning

AfriCRS-S3-P01 - Seasonal Drought Forecast (Dashboard)